Tuesday, July 12, 2011

To Get A Job Spell.

I've noticed a lot of people out there are slumming it and I can tell how hard it is. So I've decided to help you guys out with a little help of my Pagan, Wiccan and Earthly friends.


Supplies needed:

Green Candle
Quartz and Onyx stones
Lavender Oil
Alter Oil
4 Pennies.


Carve the name or type of job you desire (for me it was the name of the store I had worked at previously, this spell was to get that job back) consecrate your candle with alter oil and cinnamon. Place candle in candle holder and place in the middle of a dish, now sprinkle the cinnamon on and around the candle, place the Quartz and Onyx stones around dish also, pennies are also placed around the dish. Burn Lavender Oil, now say this spell while visualising having your job, and really feel that you will have this job, do not doubt this spell. let the candle burn all the way down.

At this time and in this hour,
I call upon the ancient powers,
of the Lord and Lady
I light this candle and
say this spell and ask of thee,
please bring my old job back to me,
with harm to none
as you will it
so mote it be!

Written by Ocean Goddess aka Lyza Mansfield
Used with Permission
All Rights Reserved

Friday, July 8, 2011

Looking for RP'ers...

To either be involved in a Story Line or take over an account, male or female is fine but the character's are two males. I'd greatly appreciate it if someone or people could do this. It would mean a lot. You don't have to RP as much as intended but it'd be nice to have you do it at least 3-4 times a week, for no longer than 6 hours. If anyone is interested I'll explain the characters through DM. It's not very hard, not much time consuming and it's actually fun!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Duper Vacation!

I decided to take a vacation a few weeks ago and go sight seeing, I decided to see New Zealand where The Lord of The Rings films were made. Isn't that a little too eccentric? But I'm Amelia, you forgot how eccentric I'am. Well anyway, the sight was grand and beautiful. I went on multiples tours, viewing the county side and city parts. But my favorite of course was the country side with the cute Shepherd's and their sheep. I would of let them herd me alright.
The sky was a beautiful blue and the clouds floated ahead. I couldn't understand anything could be so beautiful, but then again, I can't understand why people are so attracted to things that kill them; Fangers.

Also I went to see a lake marsh vegetation it was INCREDIBLE. It was just, awesome. It reminded me of the swamps in Louisiana and made me miss home. But I got my mind off of home when I saw this.

Last but not least of my New Zealand trip I saw the rising tide at sunset. Let's just say Amelia might move to New Zealand one day in the near future.

Now, lets talk about my Thailand trip. I had an amazing time. From eating fried tranchulas to fried field mice and raw vegan food to dancing with cross dressers and possibly getting a piercing where it's strictly looked upon poorly by the catholic church. The food was amazing, the culture was enchanting, and the people were so sweet. I fit in really well there and I will definitely go back there again!

I ate fried meal worms, fried spiders, fried crickets. Pretty much everything you see on this plate!


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hocus Pocus Magic Shop

DATE  ________________________________

Name  ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Last  First  Middle  Maiden
Present address  ______________________________________________________________________________________
Number Street City State Zip
How long ____________________
Contact ______________
If under 18, please list age  _____________________
Position applied for  (1) ________________________
and salary desired   (2)  ________________________
(Be specific)
Days/hours available to work
No Pref  _______ Thur  ________
Mon __________  Fri __________
Tue  __________  Sat  _________
Wed  _________  Sun  ________
How many hours can you work weekly? _________________________  Can you work nights?  _______________________
Employment desired __ FULL-TIME ONLY  __ PART-TIME ONLY    __ FULL- OR PART-TIME
When available for work?_______________
(Complete mailing
High School
Bus. or Trade School
Professional School

__ Yes __ Yes Word __ Yes
Typing __ No   _____ WPM 10-key   __ No Processing __ No     _____ WPM
Personal  __ Yes  __ PC
Computer __ No __ Mac
Other  _____________________________________________
Skills ______________________________________________
Please list two references other than relatives or previous employers.
Name  _______________________________________ Name  _____________________________________________
Position  ______________________________________ Position  ___________________________________________
Company _____________________________________ Company  __________________________________________
Address ______________________________________ Address  ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ______________________________________
Telephone  (      )   Telephone  (      )

Please list your work experience for the past five years beginning with your most recent job held.
If you were self-employed, give firm name.  Attach additional sheets if necessary.
Name of employer
Name of last
Employment dates Pay or salary
City, State, Zip Code
Phone number
Your last job title
Reason for leaving (be specific)
List the jobs you held, duties performed, skills used or learned, advancements or promotions while you worked at this company.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Magic Shop!

Just finally opened my Magic Shop secretly, muwaahahaha!
Now go add it!
